Words with letters utterly
Words with letters utterly

words with letters utterly

Not a house left between O’Connell Bridge and the Pillar on the right side and for a considerable distance down the side streets’. On Tuesday 2nd May he writes, ‘I went to Sackville Street yesterday words fail me to describe the ruin. They have barbed wire across Sackville Street at Abbey Street and Post Office to prevent Cavalry charges and barricades of bicycles in crates across the streets too’. Later in the letter he describes how his third son John Armstrong Crozier, known as Jack (1893-1977), was sent off to verify a report that the Post Office had been regained: ‘Jack was down to Sackville Street this morning and says he saw men in the building in plain clothes also upon the roof and that there was a flag up on it declaring the Republic of Ireland. The first time I was under fire!!…crowds of young men were hanging about the corners of adjacent streets…there was an excitement and a kind of electricity…evident everywhere’. and rifle shots were being fired in the street as I passed in my cab. However, ‘coming back through Sackville Street about 12.45 there was a turbulent crowd outside the P.O. He then came across a dispatch rider corps on Drumcondra Bridge, but still did not notice anything amiss. He initially describes an unremarkable journey to visit a patient in Drumcondra, and notes, ‘there were a number of the Sinn Fein Citizen Guards apparently going route marching – some in squads with rifles and bandoliers – others in ones and twos and some on bicycles…’. In TCD MS 9932/135/1 Dr Kidd gives a vivid eyewitness account of how the Rising began on Sackville Street (O’Connell Street) on Easter Monday. Kidd’s letters touch on a number of themes common to contemporary accounts of the Rising the lack of newspapers and general information, absence of servants, looting of shops, commandeering of cars, fuel and food shortages, blackouts, the imposition of martial law etc. The second letter, TCD MS 9932/135/2, to his eldest son George Montgomery Kidd (b.1889), was started on 29 April, runs to 21 pages and was clearly intended as a more considered record of events, even containing instructions to post on to other family members. Passages were written in the heat of the moment ‘more shooting going on now seemingly at the green! 3pm’ is typical of the asides which interrupt the flow of the letter.

words with letters utterly

The first of the letters, TCD MS 9932/135/1, addressed to his son Frederick William, known as Eric (1890-1972), was written between the 25 April and. They offer a dramatic, as-it-happened account of the unfolding rebellion. M&ARL holds two extraordinary letters written by him during Easter week 1916.

words with letters utterly

Three of his four sons were then serving in the Great War, and he often wrote to keep them informed of events at home. Dr Frederick William Kidd (1857-1917), a professor of midwifery and gynaecology at the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, spent Easter 1916 attending Rugby fixtures at Lansdowne Road and entertaining visitors at home at 17 Lower Fitzwilliam Street.

Words with letters utterly